cherre news

When Life Gives You Lemons, Order the Lobster Tail

We just closed another record quarter, not only in terms of new and expansion ARR, but also in team growth, new customers, product maturity, market expansion, assets under management powered by Cherre, and thought leadership.

previously on cherre news

When Life Gives You Lemons, Order the Lobster Tail

We just closed another record quarter, not only in terms of new and expansion ARR, but also in team growth, new customers, product maturity, market expansion, assets under management powered by Cherre, and thought leadership.

“The Price of Light Is Less Than the Cost of Darkness.”

2021 was an incredible year for Cherre. Any way you look at it, we grew and flourished. We can’t begin to describe everything that happened this past year,

We’re Kind of Big Deal and Our Office Smells of Rich Mahogany

After a record first quarter, and after raising our $50M Series B, we were ready to add some fuel to the fire.