Cherre Wins 2024 Realcomm Digie Award for Best Tech Innovation in Corporate/Commercial Real Estate

New York, June 27, 2024Cherre, the leading real estate data management platform, today announced it has won the prestigious 2024 Realcomm Digie Award in the category of Best Tech Innovation in Corporate/Commercial Real Estate. The award specifically recognizes Cherre’s Data Submission Portal, which systemizes data collection and reporting, while also introducing an unprecedented level of data observability, validation, and monitoring throughout the submission process. 

Cherre’s Data Submission Portal streamlines global provider data ingestion, enabling clients to easily identify errors and validate data, customize review and approval workflows, flexibly align with closing calendars, and gain intelligence into their full submission cycle. With the Data Submission Portal, Cherre clients are able to improve overall data quality and accuracy, while delivering trusted data downstream for further workflow automation. The Data Submission Portal is part of Cherre’s suite of solutions offering the data confidence required to build sound management, investment, acquisition, governance, and AI strategies. 

“Cherre’s Data Submission Portal exemplifies the kind of innovation that the Realcomm Digie Awards were created to recognize,” said Howard Berger, Managing Partner at Realcomm. “By automating and streamlining the data submission process, Cherre’s Data Submission Portal addresses the most common frustrations felt on both the asset management and portfolio management ends – validating data accuracy while providing visibility into the data pipelines that power their business insights.”

The Realcomm Digie Awards have celebrated global excellence in commercial real estate since 1999, highlighting companies, projects, and technologies that push the boundaries of innovation. The Best Tech Innovation in Corporate/Commercial Real Estate category honors companies introducing products that transform the industry and address the sector’s evolving needs and challenges.

“We are thrilled and honored to receive this recognition from Realcomm,” said L.D. Salmanson, CEO of Cherre. “This award is a testament to our team’s hard work and dedication to creating solutions that address the real challenges faced by our clients. Based on conversations at this year’s Realcomm, it’s clear the one thing on everyone’s mind is data quality as a precursor to AI, and the Data Submission Portal is one way we help our clients improve data quality and accuracy. Winning a Digie validates the importance of Cherre in building a scalable data foundation for AI.”

For more information about Cherre and the Data Submission Portal, visit

About Cherre

Cherre is the real estate industry’s leading data management platform. Our end-to-end platform helps clients breakdown silos and transform their disparate data so they can automate workflows, increase efficiencies, build better models, reduce risks, and make smarter decisions with confidence. With Cherre, clients can quickly identify opportunities to increase profitability, gain visibility into market trends, and make strategic moves in response to changing market conditions based on trusted data-driven insights. Cherre launched in 2016 and is located in New York City.